10 Minutes of Meditation up the Spine

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (00:02.51)

All right, it's the evening here. Done a bunch of stuff over the days and work stuff around the meditation websites a little bit reset meditation .com Jeff Martin founder and just going to do meditation to to wrap up the day. I only did a few minutes this morning and I'm going to do 10 minutes now and don't worry all time lapse or cut it out at least so you don't have to watch the full 10 minutes of me meditating. But I'm going to do just my spot starting at the base.

and working the way up and obviously if I go through that in the 10 minutes then I'll start working my way back down. Just go over what the experience of that is like and show that anyone can do it. It's fairly simple. It's just the doing of it that is kind of hard, right? So like exercise basically. We are going to start the 10 minutes now.

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (11:06.926)

Alright, so let's turn my presentation there on the spine. And you'll notice if my time lapses, you'll notice that I didn't move, not noticeably. And I have mosquitoes biting me out here, so there would be reason to plot those away, that type of stuff. But I'm not distracting myself with sensations from other sensations. I'm not distracting myself with other feelings from...

than I'm feeling, right? So I'm just focused on the sensations and obviously moving up and down the spine. And so I started at the base of my spine, worked up to the base of the skull, and then started working back down, but only made it back down to the base of the neck. I have four major spinal deformities, so mine is structured a little differently, and I don't usually sit just perfectly in a chair like this. Like most people, I think, would...

assume is normal. I a lot of times do meditation laying down completely or reclined with a brace under my neck, sometimes standing, sometimes sitting like this. Right. So and really we should be able to do it in all those different locations and it's it's helpful and it's useful. So as I started at the base of the spine, I felt more tension on the right.

and my mind was jumping around a little bit thinking about what I'm going to say when I come out of the meditation and back into this video thinking a little bit about the day. It obviously jumped in my mind of why it was more tense on the side at a chiropractic adjustment today. And I also worked out pretty hard. But before either one of those, I went to the cemetery, the cemetery coordinator at the township needed a stone moved because we're putting another base for a.

monument for someone preparing their grave site and so they're about these 120 pound block that one need to be picked up so I picked that up before it went to the chiropractor adjustment oddly enough and then I stopped by a farm and talked to them for a while when I was picking up my milk and eggs before I got home and did my regular neck exercises as well that I used to strengthen my spine just for those spinal deformities and so all of this may be why that tension is there.

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (13:15.376)

little lopsided right but it's not important the experience of the sensation ends up being the important thing. So as I'm moving up the spine through the middle of the spine it's like that's more tense on the one side than the other. When I get right up into like the middle of my back that starts to resolve right as does some of the jumpiness in the thoughts starts to resolve and that tension being a little lopsided as I

continue to move up.

Everything's like feeling pretty decent. The sensations are feeling pretty decent. I can feel almost everything. There's nothing big missing pieces because you'll get that sometimes. The sensations will develop. You'll develop the ability to feel them. But right at first, you may not have that. And so as you as I progress up, I get up to the base of the neck and there's a little bit of tension there. Right. And so kind of like tension going across my shoulders to a

certain extent not not huge though and I want to keep moving up and move up my spine and those where I have major issues with the spinal deformities getting into brainstem and basically brainstem and some some brain damage there and so as I get in from that no major issue some odd some tingling essentially sensations

But that's normal for me and then at that point started moving back down and this became really interesting it would be interesting to see on the video if my head moved at all because I felt an immense amount of tension of my head wanting to pull back I attempted not to move and just feel that sensation of tension and pulling on my spine and That didn't really go away. So I just kept feeling

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (15:09.456)

that in there across across my shoulders at the base of my neck all of that tension and that pulling sensation and that really didn't let up and it was it was so intense in the area that I just stayed there I don't know how long but the rest of the time I continue to move further down the spine so decently like fairly intense sensation really and so that's that's what it is right and there's a bunch more.

Because you you experience a lot your mind moves faster your feelings move fast And so when we communicate that into words we lose some of that experience That's why someone can't talk to you and tell you their full experience their full life It's just there's data that is lost in that transfer We have to experience things for ourselves and that's what we're doing We're resetting ourselves back into our own sensations the the strongest contact you have with reality, which is our experience

That is the basic idea the question response ideas comments concerns obviously feel free to reach out and You're able to put in your contact information at this time at reset meditation comm if you want me to reach out to you and talk to you about our private group program that we're launching or our personal coaching as well


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