Feel Alive and Free with Motorcycles and Meditation

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (00:02.062)

Drift Martin here from resetmeditation .com. Just got back from a motorcycle ride and just wanted to hit on the reason that we ride motorcycles is to feel alive and free in a lot of other things. Riders and we go for walks and we go for hikes and we go for bike rides and we ride horses and those types of things. We do a lot of things to feel alive and free and because we are humans, we are alive and we have some aspect of freedom, we should be

to feel alive and free and we can feel that directly by delving into our sensations directly so by moving through the body feeling what we feel sensing what we sense we can feel alive and free because we are and so it's us having the real experience of life very similar to riding a motorcycle in some ways.


Meditating While Frustrated for Five Minutes on the Hands