Meditating While Frustrated for Five Minutes on the Hands

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (00:01.564)

Jeff Martin here from resetmeditation .com. And I can guarantee that you get frustrated because that's part of life, that's part of human nature, and that is the way it goes. So just as an example, today the township has a village inside of it. Last night, apparently there was a shooting, heard about that, a phone call from a resident that was complaining, thinks it's homeless people living on township land in a forest. So I had to go check that out. And obviously you were saying that.

If other people can live without taxes, he should live without taxes. And if other people can live on other people's land, he should be able to live on someone else's land. And I told him all those things happened, so he's welcome to give all those a try and see how things go. But nevertheless, wanted to go check it out, put eyes on it myself. We've had our enforcer go out there multiple times without being able to find anyone. So I went to tracking for a couple of hours and hiking for a while and didn't find much of anything. Talked to some guy walking his dog, basically.

found some sites where people had previously been. And then there was the board meeting itself that we're preparing for on Monday, today's Thursday. And so I was shooting a briefing video on that. There's a bunch of issues that are gonna be coming up on that. I have a county commissioner that I'm working on writing a resolution for, for the county level. And a bunch of other stuff came up. One person called from the library in North Muskegon, which is not inside of Dalton.

looking for old court documents from a chemical company that is no longer there, let's turn into a business park, so we're trying to find those, the documentation is weird and odd and hard to find, and exploring the EPA site, and a bunch of things that just add up into being frustrated with various staff. And so that's always occurring, it's a natural thing.

And so I'm going to show you how to meditate, right? In a very basic way, I'm going to show you on one finger, a short sample. And then I'm going to do 10 minutes, well, actually five minutes. I have the timer set at five. I'm going to do five minutes of meditation just on my hands. And I'll, actually, I'll leave that in. I was thinking about clipping it out, but I'll leave it in. I'll leave it in the whole thing. And so I'm just going to stand here and do that, right? Arms at my side.

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (02:19.452)

and show you how it goes and then explain what my experience is in that. Now, I'm not thinking that five minutes on my hand is going to just resolve everything, right? But it's going to change how I'm experiencing things by experiencing directly. All right? So real quick, how to do it. Anyone can do it, right? So it's an ability we naturally have. If I focus on my pointer finger on my right hand here, when I feel at the top, I actually don't...

feel much of anything like I can feel it's there, but I don't feel any strong sensations of any type. If I move along the backside towards the nail around the nail, there's pressure. I can feel where the nails in my fingers. So there's a little bit of pressure there. That first joint down is intense. There's just, there's like the muscles are working there is what it feels like. And then the

front side of the very tip of the finger feels a little bit of pressure, right? Like I'm gently pushing against something, something in that way. As we move further down, I can feel the muscles working. So on this backside, I can feel like a tension, a little bit of pulling there. And on the front side, I can feel like a, like a stretching, like a giving there. And as we get down to that middle knuckle, I can,

also feel like an, there's like an uncomfortableness in that joint. I wouldn't call it a pain, just kind of an uncomfortableness. And as we move further down on the bottom part of the finger on the front side, I, there's a very light tingling, almost like a numbness tingling. And on the backside, there's almost like a prickliness. And then in that,

base joint of the finger where the finger is going into the hand. It just feels really strong, right? It's not a tenseness that feels weak. It feels like the muscles are locked in, like stuff is strong and stable, right? And so that's all it is. It's just paying attention to the sensations and experiencing them. Now, when we're actively verbalizing like that, I've noticed it changes the experience quite a bit.

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (04:40.988)

And so you don't usually get the experiences of jumps to like the future or the past, thinking about it, you know, memories and fantasies and whatever it may be. And you don't get the emotional reactions so much as when you're doing it silently and you're actually just focused on the sensations and not generating the explanation of what you're doing. So it's a little different as far as that goes, but verbalizing it helps so much to see if someone is doing it correctly, all right? That's why we use it right off the bat.

when we are doing coaching. All right, so got the timer set and I'm just gonna do five minutes and I'm gonna do the hands and get as far as I can. I don't know if I'm gonna get all the way through the hands. I don't know if I'm gonna go through the hands multiple times. Just depends on how it's going. If I encounter any rough sensations to get through essentially. All right, here we go.

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (10:44.028)

All right, that's five minutes of meditation on that hands right there. And so basically what I did is started with the right hand on the pinky and went across to the other finger, across the other finger, across the other finger, across the thumb, and then did the palm and then went to the back. And because I didn't feel like I penetrated deep enough, I did this side separately. So finger, finger, finger, finger, and then the back of the hand as well, which really allowed me to feel the inside of the hand pretty well.

And then I went to the left hand and did the same thing. And so when I'd started on the right hand through that process, through that sequence, I wanted, I had the urge to move the hand, move the whole body actually, but move the hand, like do something with it, grasp something, right? And so I didn't. I just stayed still and just experienced that sensation. And my mind jumped around just a little bit.

just to a couple of things previously in the day, right? Like trying to look through all the paperwork and figure that out and trying to look through other paperwork to generate new paperwork and trying to go down trails and this type of stuff, right? Then when I went over to the left hand, the process almost restarted, right? The mind was like just a little jumpy at first, but it went faster into just calming down, experiencing the sensations. And then I made it through both hands. So I started doing both hands at the same time then.

Same pattern, right? Starting with the pinky, going through. Patterns, not super important. Having a pattern helps you make sure that you don't miss anything, right? Because if there's something uncomfortable, we have a tendency to avoid it. And so pattern doesn't have to be the same or anything like that. You don't have to copy my pattern, right? It's just what I did. And so I started with the pinkies, moved into the other fingers, moved into the thumb and then the rest of the hand. And felt really good there.

And I mean, at that point, I'm feeling pretty good about the day anyways, right? So my frustrating day, I guess it would probably be better as an example of frustration to go into some of the details of the phone calls and some of the issues and that type of stuff. And so I'm using kind of a general example because I hit on a bunch of stuff throughout the day instead of the specifics of one case and might make a better explanation of what frustration is. But you have your own examples every single day and a bunch of them.

Jeffrey Alexander Martin (13:09.084)

So you know exactly what I'm talking about as far as that goes. But my frustrating day ends up being pretty cool. I went on four hikes today because I went on two for the township for investigating things. And I did two tracking as well. And I got to check out and remember some history. I got to write some interesting political material that may have an effect down in the future. And then I went to two other grave sites in the area.

one Indian burial in Asandoon in Duck Lake, another one in Mouse Cemetery up by Montague in White River Township. And they are known as these interesting things and so did heists there as well. So very cool day and like I'm going to read some excellent books later. I'm going to eat some chicken, you know, have a shower, probably watch a documentary. Like everything's, everything's pretty good.

Right? And so, but it's not as drastic as a change as that in five minutes. Like I didn't go from just being extremely frustrated to being like, everything's good. Right? I was feeling decently good before. I just, I had some, some frustrations, right? And, but it's a noticeable change in the experience of that frustration, even in those five minutes actually. So I wasn't sure how much that was going to move the needle, you know, whether I should do like, all right, I'm going to do like 10 minutes, 15 minutes, whatever. And I'm going to need.

little more time so that I get reset, right? That's the idea. Reset for tomorrow, because I have other things that I have to get to tomorrow, right? And other issues are going to come up that I'm not even expecting. And then also the things that I have scheduled. And so that's the idea. You can have a purposeful practice, and it's just a skill that you can develop. And then you have, and you have it always, to be able to experience your own sensations and therefore change your experience of your life. And hopefully.

you know, do better, right? That's the basic idea. But even if you don't do better, to still have a better experience, no matter what. So that's, that is the idea. All right, any, well, if you're interested in the private group or in the coaching sessions, let us know at ResetMeditation .com. Otherwise, subscribe to the channel and I'll keep doing updates, some long, some short, and you know, feel free to leave comments on what you would like to see.


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