Meditate Even When Things are Going Well

Jeff Martin (00:01.934)

I'm out on a hike in a paradisical type of type of setting where there's great. The day is very nice. Rains last night and I'm listening to an audiobook that is wonderful. Read from a couple of wonderful books this morning. Everything seems good. Check the work email for the political office and no major issues so far over the weekend and everything's good. Right. So it doesn't seem like if you use meditation to deal with issues.

that I would even need to meditate like it's not super important, not even necessary. So it's easy to just, you can just skip, right? You can just go on. But I know there's other things underneath the surface, right? The farm that I go to is having issued the whole industry. They're going to be pushing a flu type thing and fear in a political year. So that's definitely going to be pushed. And I have one work email actually that I've tried to send twice and it didn't go through. And it was an inquiry from a woman about malves.

and if we're going to treat for them. And so I can't actually respond to her, even though I've tried. So a little thing. But all these little frustrations, these little fears, they build up and they add up over time, even if we don't realize that they are. And so I haven't meditated yet today. Later, I'm going to, and I'll post after that to see exactly how that goes and what exactly I experienced there.

But it's important to keep up with this stuff. Otherwise built up a mistake I've made quite a few times more than it seems like it would be necessary. So I just wanted to point out to that before I meditate today, when everything is going well in my life, the relationships are good, the family stuff is good, the work stuff is good, the motorcycles running again, like everything's good. Yet there's still going to be emotional reactions there, right? The highs and the lows that need to be balanced out.

And I essentially can speed up the processing of those emotions, the natural processing that we get that that occurs, right? Without us even realizing it or trying to do it, we can enhance that through meditation experience. And so, you know, I'll probably just do a short period of time, maybe 10, 20 minutes, maybe a few sessions. Hard to say. But there'll be something there, something there. So I just wanted to point that out. And part of pointing that type of stuff out is what reset meditation .com.

Jeff Martin (02:18.479)

is a four.


A Meditation Session of Five Minutes on the Eyes and Ten Minutes Whole Body


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